Spelling Tool for Dyslexic Students: Word Imaging

SPELLING tool for dyslexic students: Word Imaging

Spelling presents a tremendous challenge for many students with dyslexia. One of many tools which can help is word imaging.  I find that students absorb the word best if they are allowed to draw their image in color with input from a teacher to be sure they understand the meaning of the word they are learning to spell.NEVER hurry this process:

Taking time with the word visually is what allows the dyslexic student to use strong pattern recognition skills to best advantage.   Aim for a peaceful, enjoyable interaction with the word.  Nouns are easiest to image.  One can write “water” and fill the W with blue waves, while turning the other letters into sea creatures.  Verbs and adjectives are harder, but once the student understands the meaning of the word, and can use it correctly in a sentence, he or she will be able to imagine a creative picture to go with that word, using the letters as part of the image. Allow at least 30 minutes for such a project, and be sure to display the result.  This takes a lot of time, and it can’t be done for every word, but if a child struggles with a particularly hard word, this is a way to break through to mastery.

by Yvonna Graham, M.Ed.

