The Dyslexic Advantage: A DTK Book Review

The Dyslexic Advantage (Revised and Updated)

The First Edition was Great; This One is Even Better! I first reviewed this powerhouse of information back in 2017. So why did I buy the 2023 Revised and Updated edition? Because A LOT has happened in dyslexia research in the past few years, and the Eide’s are in the thick of it. This book […]

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Unschooling Vocabulary

Father reading to son

School and Education aren’t the Same Thing Unschooling doesn’t mean no education; it just means no school. The unschoolers I know put in significant time and effort providing education by asking and answering questions, finding resources, connecting kids with mentors, traveling, supporting passions, etc. Despite all this great parenting, it can be hard to justify […]

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Peer-Assisted Learning: A DTK Book Review

two high school students doing peer-assisted learning

Kids Teaching Kids I came across this great teaching resource on peer-assisted learning in a podcast by Dr. Sam Bommarito. The book is available in both the UK and US. Peer Assisted Learning: A Practical Guide for Teachersby Keith ToppingCambridge, MA: Brookline Books (2000) What is Peer-Assisted Learning? Topping defines peer-assisted learning as the “acquisition of knowledge […]

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Four Reasons to Homeschool a Dyslexic Child and One Reason Not to

Homeschooling a dyslexic child

Should I Homeschool My Dyslexic Child? Are you wondering if homeschooling your dyslexic child is a good idea or the worst idea you’ve had this decade? In this post, I cover four great reasons to consider homeschooling as an educational option, and one overpowering reason not to.  Here’s what I cover in this post. Experts […]

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Studying? Let’s Embrace Distraction

A DTK Book Review:  How We Learn, by Benedict Carey Learning to Study Benedict Carey’s book, How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens deserves a look by serious students and teachers. Students at all levels of education spend a lot of time in the classroom and the library. They […]

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5 Temperament Traits for Tutors

Why Temperament Awareness is Important for Tutors Often children who come for tutoring exhibit temperament traits that make classroom learning difficult. Tutors, because they work one-on-one, can adjust teaching style to temperament style. Thus, both learning and enjoyment increase. Activity Level Affects Classroom Learning High energy children need to move as they learn. This need […]

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Tutoring Tips on Sensory Comfort

sensory issues can cause unhappy child

What does Sensory Comfort Mean? Sensory comfort refers to providing for student needs related to sounds, light, smells, textures, and tastes. Why Sensory Comfort is Important in a Tutoring Session Setting the stage for the best possible tutoring session involves helping the student become aware of his or her sensory environment. Sights or sounds that […]

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